Intimate Conversations with Meditation Experts
The foremost meditation experts come together to tend to the hearts of the concert industry via weekly conversations with Jason about the issues facing our community during the COVID-19 shutdown.

Sharon Salzberg
"Some Things Just Hurt"
Sharon has been teaching meditation and leading retreats globally since 1974. In this conversation, she shares her belief that "some things just hurt" as she and Jason discuss how to deal with the difficult times facing our industry.

Lama Rod Owens
"Love and Anger"
Lama Rod is one of the leaders of a new generation of teachers. In this raw and vulnerable conversation, he and Jason discuss coming to terms with and understanding our anger on the path to love and compassion.

Miguel Chen
"Cocaine to Consciousness"
Miguel is the bassist for the punk band Teenage Bottlerocket, an author, and teacher of meditation and yoga. In this brutally honest conversation, he and Jason discuss their hard partying days and what led them to meditation.

LeAnn Rimes Cibrian
"The Heart of Creativity"
LeAnn has been performing and touring for over 30 years. She's also a dedicated meditator. In this touching conversation, she and Jason discuss creativity, bravery, and opening our hearts as we engage in this moment.

Tara Brach, Ph.D.
"Radical Acceptance"
Tara's teaching offers a wise and compassionate approach to freeing ourselves and society from suffering. In this moving conversation, she and Jason discuss the practice of radical acceptance and compassion for the concert industry during the shutdown.

Joseph Goldstein
"Observing our Minds"
No one in the West has spent more time over the last 40 years observing the mind than Joseph Goldstein. In this insightful conversation, he and Jason discuss valuable tools for observing our minds even as life's circumstances spin out of control.

George Mumford
"Meditation and Competition"
George, "The Performance Whisperer," is Phil Jackson's secret championship weapon and the teacher who taught Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan to meditate. In this lively discussion, he and Jason confront head-on the question, "Will I lose my edge if I practice meditation?"

Trudy Goodman, Ph.D.
"Lovingkindness for Your Body"
Trudy has a Ph.D. in psychology and is the founding teacher of Insight LA meditation center. In this conversation, she and Jason discuss caring for our bodies in stressful times. Includes a powerful guided meditation of lovingkindness for our bodies.

Krishna Das
"Music and Meditation"
Krisha Das (KD) is spirituality's chanting rockstar, having chosen music as his spiritual path. In this playful conversation, he and Jason discuss chanting, the power of live, and music as a form of meditation. Includes video of KD's live performance of Hare Krishna.

Jud Brewer M.D., Ph.D.
"Your Brain & Change"
Dr. Jud is an expert on the intersection of neurology and mindfulness. In this engaging conversation, he and Jason discuss what's going on in our brains amidst all this change and how we can use mindfulness to foster curiosity and peace of mind.

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
"Being With Darkness"
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Ph.D., is an author, poet, and Zen Buddhist priest. In this intimate conversation, she and Jason explore the darkness of our times and how we discover truths about ourselves in life's most uncomfortable moments.

John Tarrant, Ph.D.
"Step by Step in the Dark"
John is a leading voice in the study and teaching of Zen koans, ancient stories which are used to draw us closer to life and to liberation. In this lively conversation, he and Jason discuss taking steps in the dark and the discovery that our lives aren't wrong.

Danny Goldberg
"Music Biz & Meditation"
Danny has worked in the music business with the who's who of rock and roll icons including Led Zeppelin, Stevie Nicks, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain. In this revealing conversation, he and Jason talk about the music industry, spirituality, and following our inner guide.
"Love4Live is a place for us to come together in community to support one another as we tend to our hearts."
- Jason Garner

Jason engages in real conversations with renowned meditation experts on challenges facing the concert community. Great conversations available now!

Receive guidance through a recorded library of meditation classes led by Thomas Davis featuring an introduction to meditation in tough times using easy, practical steps.

A 3-day recorded online meditation retreat featuring meditation experts Sharon Salzberg, Trudy Goodman Ph.D, and Thomas Davis, hosted by Jason. Enjoy at your own pace.
No one should have to face life alone.
We're in it together.